Sunday, May 22, 2011

Anti-Gravity Technology

By : Awaneer

Do we really need to discuss about this? Most of us think the anti-gravity technology is just a science fiction. Well you are half-true. The truth is many attempts are made so far to achieve this technology from universities, the government the Nazi's... Bla...bla..blaaa...

Don't tell me NASA, Boeing and other giants agency do not involved. The question is how far they already involved? How much they achieved? Did they break the Newton's biggest Law : ? See Also :

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. (Separately it was shown that large spherically symmetrical masses attract and are attracted as if all their mass were concentrated at their centers.) This is a general physical law derived from empirical observations by what Newton called induction.[2] It is a part of classical mechanics and was formulated in Newton's work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("the Principia"), first published on 5 July 1687. (When Newton's book was presented in 1686 to the Royal Society, Robert Hooke made a claim that Newton had obtained the inverse square law from him – see History section below.) In modern language, the law states the following:

Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them:[3]

F = G x({m_1 m_2}\{r^2}) ,


F is the force between the masses,
G is the gravitational constant,
m1 is the first mass,
m2 is the second mass, and
r is the distance between the masses.

Ok... That's the scientist opinion about what is gravity... They think they know something about it but for me there is a missing link in there. I will tell you my opinion in the last of this post. Hehe... Wait the best at last..

I tell you about some of the definition about anti-gravity nowadays :

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "AntiGrav" redirects here. For the EyeToy video game, see EyeToy: AntiGrav. In physical cosmology, astronomy and celestial mechanics, anti-gravity is the idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. It does not refer to the lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, nor to balancing the force of gravity with some other force, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift. Instead, anti-gravity requires that the fundamental causes of the force of gravity be made either not present or not applicable to the place or object through some kind of technological intervention. Anti-gravity is a recurring concept in science fiction, particularly in the context of spacecraft propulsion. The concept was first introduced formally as "Cavorite" in H. G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon, and has been a favorite item of imaginary technology since that day. In the first mathematically accurate description of gravity, Newton's law of universal gravitation, gravity was an external force transmitted by unknown means. However in the early part of the 20th century Newton's model was replaced by the more general and complete description known as general relativity. In general relativity, gravity is not a force in the traditional sense of the word, but the result of the geometry of space itself. These geometrical solutions always cause attractive "forces". Under general relativity, anti-gravity is highly unlikely, except under contrived circumstances that are regarded as unlikely or impossible. The term "anti-gravity" is also sometimes used to refer to hypothetical reactionless propulsion drives based on certain solutions to general relativity, although these do not oppose gravity as such. There are numerous newer theories that add onto general relativity or replace it outright, and some of these appear to allow anti-gravity-like solutions. However, according to the current generally accepted physical theories and according to the directions of physical research, there are no indications for anti-gravity to be possible.[1][2][3] The terminology "anti-gravity" is often used in popular culture as a colloquialism to refer to devices that look as if they reverse gravity even though they operate through other means. Lifters, which fly in the air due to electromagnetic fields, are an example of these "antigravity craft".[4][5]"

You see what they understand? The theory of anti-gravity is according to the scientist is not possible itself according to the equations... The only devices the human can made is a lifter using propulsion or any strong magnetic wave to actually lift the object itself!

Lifting object is not a new technology... It's already thousand of years people know how to make things lifted!

Nowadays... To lift and aircraft people use fundamentals of aerodynamic laws or propulsion system to produce a thrust so that the Lift> Weight = The object lift!

Some people or even scientist or engineer confuse about this. They think when some object lifted from earth without wings or some thrust then it is anti-gravity technology! See example the video below :

Using magnetic or any semi-conductor materials to make the object lift still not in my radar definitions of anti-gravity technology.

The best Hi-tech Kingdom ever exist in this world is Sulaiman Kingdom(The Solomon Kingdom). Refer to Al-Quran about this. During this era, every things is more than science fictions... Every buildings is made from anti-gravity technology. They build building not in one year... not in month.. They build it in a matter of less than a day.

The knowledge past to generations until the last pyramid era than stopped. Why stop? Because the knowledge is from heaven... and people tend to behave like devil! The heaven pull it over for a while until the time that has been chosen for the last golden era for human being! The last one...

The greatest scientist cannot break the formula because they use the wrong definition and wrong equation... They will debate until come the golden era I mentioned above.

You can imagine if the knowledge is found during this era? With World War 1-2... The US and Russia as the super power military... It will be catastrophic! It Star Wars!

As promised I will give my definition about the anti-gravity technology in coded. Break the codes if you can.

1. What is gravity?

2. Can you create gravity?

3. Gravity attract the mass or something inside the mass? electron or the nucleus?

4. Gravity is not magnetic field.

5. Why people when see ghost the ghost seems flying or not in the influence of gravity?

If you already break the coded. Please keep them to yourself and do not exposed... You don't want to be caught in the middle of the world conspiracy... Put yourself away from the radar.


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