Saturday, October 13, 2012
We can detect liars... not diamonds
Now they claim they can find diamonds in years of light away distance from earth? Nice try dude/prof... please cheat other aliens or homosapiens from other planet from your claims.
Read this :
Orbiting a star that is visible to the naked eye, astronomers have discovered a planet twice the size of our own made largely out of diamond.
The rocky planet, called '55 Cancri e', orbits a sun-like star in the constellation of Cancer and is moving so fast that a year there lasts a mere 18 hours.
Discovered by a U.S.-Franco research team, its radius is twice that of Earth's with a mass eight times greater. That would give it the same density as Earth, although previously observed diamond planets are reckoned to be a lot more dense. It is also incredibly hot, with temperatures on its surface reaching 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit (1,648 Celsius).
Gehehehehhe..... So funny... If it is that easy to find diamonds in years of light away distance from earth, then why not you make money to find it on earth?? Don't you watch film : Blood Diamond??
My suggestion is, do a research in something that everybody don't know, everybody can't prove... then make an extraordinary claims.... walaaaa now you are a galactic professor! haha.
I just wonder how far we as human race has been fooled all this time by all the information from these puppet master professor from the very civilized place on earth called 'WESTERN'?
I love to see History Channel on how these so called 'Professor' make their extraordinary claims like they are on Dark Vader Ship and already travel thousand of years away... They fooled people with their title, white hairs and the thickness of their spectacles!
When they told us story about dinosaurs; it is like they kept them in their backyards...
It is ok if they are story-teller, but they get the title and make peoples look them in superior ways... damn!
For these liars; come down to earth and solved our problems!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Amukan Kucingneer.... at my office
Amukan kucingneer di engineering office ini dipercayai akibat halusinasi yang terlalu kuat yang mengatakan dia sebenarnya bukan seekor kucing tapi engineer pada hayat yang lepas...
Huhuks... I love Cat.... :)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
GKN developing laser-based, automated composite repair system
Source: Composites World
GKN Aerospace (Isle of Wight, U.K.) reportts that it is harnessing leading-edge laser technology to automate the repair of composite structures. The company says that the repaired structure has the strength of current manual repair but is achieved with greater consistency and 60 percent cost reducton.
With program partners SCLR Lasertechnik GmbH (SLCR), GKN Aerospace has installed the first prototype robotic machine using laser technology to remove damaged composite structure on aircraft. The new robotic cell, housed at GKN Aerospace’s composites research centre in the U.K., replaces the time-consuming, manual grinding away of damaged structure with a precise, contact and vibration-free laser removal process
John Cornforth, head of technology at GKN Aerospace, comments, “With the first installation of this prototype equipment we are now commencing work on extending the ability of this new process to handle various shapes and sizes of structure. We believe this process has enormous potential; composite materials increasingly dominate the airframe meaning their reliable, effective repair is critical for operators and the industry alike. This technology will allow the efficient, cost effective and high quality preparation of almost any composite assembly for repair.”
Olav G. Schulz, managing director of SLCR, adds, “The newly designed system is the outcome of more than two years intensive collaboration and we are proud of the results achieved already. It is strong motivation for us to continue this program with GKN Aerospace and we invite potential users to participate.”
The new process uses lasers to remove damaged material, leaving the remaining fibers and resin intact. The technique applies no force or vibration onto the structure and so has no detrimental impact on its overall strength or integrity. The affected area is left clean and ready for repair using a replacement patch which is cured in place using a localized heating mat. - endComments : Awaneer :)
Nice techno right? The removal plies process in Composite repair is THE MOST unpleasant... time consuming... stressful... So if you can have automated plies removal than it will be great and wonderful!
Current repair method used grinder to remove plies or peeling method. Well for me I like peeling method because it is dust free, easy and precise control on the step method removal without damaging underlying plies.
So, welcome to the club new techno! Cheers!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Kerjaya Aeroangkasa : Penetrasi Kerjaya Diidamkan...

salam, thank saudara awaneer sebab reply kat chat box, so that i get your email id..
Jawapan :
Salam saudara;
Saya pun tak rasa saya layak nak bagi apa2 nasihat. Tapi untuk tidak menghampakan saudara saya akan cuba menjawab sedaya upaya. Ok macam ni,
1.Jangan sesekali letakkan CGPA sebagai asas rezeki. Memang ianya sebagai salah satu sebab musabab tapi kena ingat Allah itu maha kaya untuk memberi rezekinya tanpa memerlukan kepada sebab musabab. Saya letakkan ini sebagai nombor satu untuk saudara kerana inilah puncanya rezeki atau cita2 sesetengah orang terkandas... Salah programming dalam otak dan hati akan menarik perkara2 negatif. Ramai saja pelajar2 yang lulusan universiti luar negara dengan CGPA power tapi hampas bila bekerja... Ada juga orang yang berkelulusan sijil tapi mempunyai skill yang tiada galang ganti. Ingat rezeki kita dan segalanya diuruskan Allah yang tiada pernah mengantuk atau tidur... Bukannya kita iaitu makhluk.
2. Minat. Inilah aset utama saudara. Dengan minat yang bersertakan keyakinan seperti nombor satu di atas insyaAllah dipermudahkan. Ada orang yang hanya berkelulusan sijil sahaja tetapi mempunyai minat yang mendalam berupaya maju kehadapan tanpa disangka-sangka.
3. Pasrah atau redha dengan segala ketentuanNya. Inilah yang membezakan orang beriman dengan yang kurang beriman atau tidak beriman setelah perkara 1 dan 2 dilaksanakan. Allah mengetahui apa yang baik bagi hamba2Nya.
4. Bab NDT ni... Yang saya tahu ada pasaran2 tertentu. Contohnya dalam Aerospace lebih kepada pengetahuan dalam C Scan, A scan and B scan. X ray juga mempunyai pasaran yang agak luas. Dye penetrant ni kalau tak silap lebih kepada pasaran Military type aerospace for metallic. Composite tak berapa nak guna sangat dye penetrant ni sebab lebih kepada pre inspect dan tak boleh guna untuk buy off. NDT juga ada level2 tertentu contohnya Level 1, 2 and 3 di mana level 3 adalah tertinggi... Tapi kalau ikut cerita ada juga level 4, 5 sampai 7 pon ada. Tetapi level 3 ni pun sangat jarang2 di Malaysia ini... boleh kira dengan jari dalam bidang Aerospace ni. Exam dia pon boleh tahan menikam otak... hehe... Lebih lanjut kena tanya pakar2 NDT ni.
5. Networking. Jika tak dapat syarikat2 yang besar, bermulalah drpd syarikat2 kecil kemudian dapatkan experience agar dikenali. Develop specific skill dalam certain area dan jangan lompat2. Setiap bidang dan area ada disiplin masing2 yang perlu dikuasai.
Akhir kalam tanamkan keyakinan dalam diri kepada yang empunya diri dan jangan berputus asa. :)