Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kerjaya Aeroangkasa : Yang perlu anda tahu.

By : awaneer

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberi sedikit sebanyak info kepada graduan-graduan tempatan terutamanya dalam menceburi bidang berkaitan aeroangkasa ini. Saya juga mengharapkan feedback daripada anda semua yang boleh menjadi jambatan bagi kita untuk saling bantu membantu dalam bidang yang penuh cabaran ini.

Saya sendiri adalah local grad daripada fakulti kejuruteraan USM dalam bidang Aerospace major in Technology Satellite. Pelikkan? Major dalam Technology Satellite tapi kerja dalam bidang aeronautik. Hehe sebenarnya itulah yang perlu kita terima dalam dunia pekerjaan. Tapi bukan lari jauh pun, major tu cuma bermaksud kita belajar lebih sikit dalam bidang kita major tapi bidang aeronautik pun kita belajar juga.

Mula-mula saya bekerja sebagai stress engineer dalam design department dalam projek A380 FLELP dan A400M package. Kemudian dalam 2 tahun saya menceburi bidang manufacturing dalam advanced composite sebagai Composite Repair Engineer sehingga sekarang. Composite Repair adalah satu bidang yang masih rare dalam pasaran Malaysia terutamanya repair bahagian advance composite manufacturing. Dalam bidang ini saya terdedah dengan pelbagai jenis customer drpd seluruh pelusuk dunia contohnya : Airbus, Airbus Military, Goodrich, Sonaca, Boeing, KAL, Eurocopter.

Dalam beberapa tahun akan datang ini saya akan menceburi bidang baru yang lebih mencabar iaitu MRB : Material review board. MRB ini sebagai signatory holder yang boleh memberikan disposition bagi cara-cara repair bagi sesuatu part. MRB ini memerlukan pengalaman dalam bidang Stress + Design +Manufacturing + Repair.

Namun yang cuma saya terkilan ramai engineer-engineer kurang berminat mencebur diri dalam bidang composite repair mahupun stress. Padahal bidang ini jika diceburi mempunyai masa depan yang agak cerah di Malaysia kerana kekurangan pakar dan engineer. Jika di Oversea gajinya boleh mencecah RM30 ribu sebulan jika mempunyai pengalaman sekitar 5-10 tahun atau lebih. Dengan syarat kerja yang dilakukan tidak melompat-lompat ke bidang lain.

Senang cerita lagi susah sesuatu pekerjaan lagi secure sebenarnya pekerjaan yang boleh kita peroleh.

Ramai juga kawan-kawan saya yang menceburi bidang MRO selepas tamat grad. Tapi sebenarnya bagi saya bidang MRO ini sepatutnya diceburi selepas tamat SPM atau STPM terus dan mengambil License aircraft Engineer bukan selapas Grad kerana dah buang masa 4 tahun belajar di Universiti dan kemudian kena ambil lagi dalam 4-5 tahun lagi untuk LAE. Sedangkan dalam tempoh ini kita nak berkahwin dan settle down our life. Hehe itu saya la... lain orang lain la spec dan requirements. Masuk bidang ni mmg secure pekerjaan dan gaji pon masyuk.

Kalau nak masuk bidang MRO selepas grad boleh juga mula di Tech Service contohnya MAS Engineering dan Airasia. Boleh tahan jugala kalau ikut jalan ini.

Aerospace dalam bidang Technology Satellite agak kurang pasaran di Malaysia. Namun jika berminat, pasaran-pasaran yang boleh diketahui ialah ATSB, ASTRO ataupun lebih baik sambung masters atau phd sambil buat research di Universiti masing-masing. Kalau hebat boleh kerja di overseas contohnya Astrium atau NASA.

Bidang Aerospace yang agak baru di Malaysia tapi sedang berkembang adalah bidang berkaitan UAV. Apa yang saya boleh lihat dalam bidang ini masih kekurangan pakar dalam programming expert untuk alghorithma penerbangan. Jadi siapa-siapa yang power subject control system dan minat programming bolehlah intai area ini.

Secara kesimpulannya bidang-bidang Aerospace yang sedang berkembang di Malaysia ini ialah :

Stress dan Design : FE, CATIA
MRO : LAE, Tech service engineer
Composite Repair : advanced composite
UAV : programming

Rajin-rajinlah mengintai peluang.

Tips : jangan letak gaji sebagai keutamaan dulu, cukup sekadar reasonable dan kemudian develop experience perlahan-lahan sehingga tahap expert dalam bidang diceburi. Ingat jangan lompat si katak lompat.

Sendayan Mall

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Drama IRAN-US yang Memualkan!

By : Awaneer

Saya sudah tidak dapat menyembunyikan rasa mual melihat gelagat pelakon-pelakon terbaik dunia ini : IRAN-US-ISRAEL, setelah Iran mendakwa menembak jatuh pesawat UAV RQ170 drone milik US baru-baru ini. Setelah membuat press conference yang penuh tipu daya untuk menipu masyarakat dunia, Iran seolah-olah ingin mendabik dada selaku hero dunia Islam walhal merekalah yang paling banyak membunuh ummat Islam sunni.

Sudah-sudahlah berlakon.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Peperangan Airbus-Boeing : Ditentukan Asia Tenggara?

Oleh : Awaneer

Saya agak terkejut dengan perubahan polisi oleh American Airlines yang memecah tradisi dengan menempah 260 kapal terbang Airbus (Baca : European aircraft maker) berbanding 200 kapal terbang Boeing(Baca : American aircraft maker). Perubahan ini bukan sahaja mengejutkan Boeing malah Airbus sendiri yang tidak menyangka akhirnya ego American airlines yang berpolisi menempah dengan Boeing secara sehala selama 15 tahun berjaya ditundukkan.

Airbus dikatakan berjaya memujuk American Airlines dengan kontrak terbesar dalam sejarah ini melalui inovasi A320 Neo yang lebih mesra alam (Baca : lebih menjimatkan minyak). Sejak beberapa tahun lepas, Airbus dan Boeing berperang mencari solusi untuk mentune enjin kapal terbang agar lebih jimat minyak di antara 5-10 %. Walaupun 5 % dianggap sedikit, namun di dalam dunia yang semakin kompetetif ini angka itu dianggap hidup atau mati bagi sebuah Airlines dalam 20 tahun akan datang. Katakanlah tipikal Airlines membelanjakan hampir 10 billion USD untuk minyak setahun, maka untuk 20 tahun ialah 200 billion... penjimatan 5 % bermakna 10 billion USD dapat dijimatkan!

Penjimatan juga bermakna harga tiket yang lebih murah dapat diberikan kepada pengguna... peperangan merebut pengguna ini sangat sengit dan kompetetif. Walaupun hanya berbeza tiket 5%, bayangkan berapa banyak pelanggan yang akan beralih arah? Pelanggan beralih arah bermaksud kematian bagi sesebuah Airlines.

Peranan Asia Tenggara :

Asia Tenggara dikatakan juara di dalam penerbangan tambah murah dan middle class dan dijangka mendominasi pasaran dalam segmen berkenaan dalam 20 tahun mendatang. Sebut sahaja Air Asia, satu dunia tahu tentang jenama tersebut yang menjadi juara kelas tambang murah. Lebih menakutkan pesaingnya, Air Asia dikatakan perlahan-lahan ingin menembusi pasaran middle class dan Full service carrier melalui Air Asia-X.

Lion air yang berpengkalan di Indonesia melakukan kejutan pasaran dengan menempah 230 pesawat 737 daripada Boeing baru-baru ini. Ini pastinya memberikan kelegaan kepada Boeing yang sebelum ini kehilangan tempahan daripada American Airlines.

Asia Tenggara sebagai sebuah kuasa ekonomi dunia yang giat berkembang seharusnya mengambil kesempatan ini dengan manjadi play maker dan bukan sekadar customer. Kita mempunyai resource yang besar, duit yang banyak, rakyat berjuta-juta...

Pemimpin-pemimpin perlu bijak melakukan pertukaran teknologi dengan setiap tukaran dagangan yang dilakukan. Contohnya jika Malaysia Airlines atau Air Asia membeli 100 pesawat Boeing atau Airbus, pertukaran teknlogi dengan syarikat tempatan perlulah dilakukan... contohnya pakej pemasangan part-part pesawat dan pembuatan komposit. Dengan ini, kita boleh menunjukkan kuasa kita selaku customer. Pastikan pembelian dilakukan dengan memastikan Boeing dan Airbus kekal bersaing secara sihat. Kita tidak mahu melingkupkan salah satu dan kemudiannya ia pula mendominasi pasaran.

Asia tenggara dikatakan adalah kawasan terkaya di muka bumi ini jika ianya diurus dengan baik oleh pemimpin yang baik-baik. Malah Malaysia juga dahulunya pernah digelar the Golden Chersonese iaitu Semenanjung Emas!

Beritahu saya di mana tempatnya di dunia ini yang tanahnya boleh ditanam apapun sepanjang tahun ? Buminya dilindungi daripada gempa bumi yang meragut nyawa? Tiada dikenakan puting beliung dan taufan pada skala besar? Hutan yang dipenuhi pelbagai sumber? Setiap bulan atau setiap minggu adanya hujan? Tiada kemarau berpanjangan? Sumber petroleum yang banyak? Dikelilingi laut yang banyak sumber?

Tempat mana yang di dalam dunia ini yang anda boleh tidur tanpa selimut? Boleh keluar malam makan kedai mamak pakai singlet tanpa baju tebal? Boleh jumpa sumber air seperti sungai dan mata air dengan senang? Bumi yang panasnya dan sejuknya tidak memudaratkan? Bumi yang boleh dilihat menghijau?

Sepanjang perantauan saya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan;

Bumi itu adalah bumi yang didoakan oleh para wali Allah sejak dahulu iaitu Malaysia atau secara amnya Nusantara.

Sudah masanya tanah ini untuk menguasai dunia. Berikan amanah itu kepada yang berhak, insyaAllah perkara ini akan menjadi kenyataan.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Madrid-Cordoba-Seville Tour

By : Awaneer

Hah kali ni memang penat semacam jer... nak tulis pon memang malas tahap gaban. Jadi enjoy jerla dengan gambar-gambar yang kami ambil ketika dalam perjalanan ke Sevilla.

Lihat keindahan Masjid Cordoba (Baca : Church Cordoba dah sekarang..jangan sembahyang kat sini tau nanti kene tangkap tak pasaii jer.)

Pepe Kebab di Bermujos Sevilla... mogok makan (baca : melahap)

Iman bermain selepas pekene kebab

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tour Of The Day : Madrid 3.0

By : Awaneer

Well..after got rested about 2 weeks from robbery attempt trauma, we now feel better. For a warming up session a very nice public location in Madrid : ZooAquarium Madrid. It is not just a zoo... although we need to pay 19.4 Euros per head, believe me its worth it! I recommend if you want to go here, please go before 11 am.. the counter will open at 10.30 am. Around this time you will have no problem to find a car park and furthermore you will not missed sea lions, dolphins and birds show. As I said previously, autumn is the best season to visit Madrid and also the zoo :)... cool wind and you wont ever sweat!

Zoo Aquarium Madrid

The flamingos

Chubby-chubby penguins

Inspiration of flight from birds


Tiger orang putih

Mesyuarat Agung OIC. Although we have the power to take you down but as long as you feed us, we'll stay here and entertain you! Muahahahaha!


The ambassador of the sea show!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

True Story : A Robbery Attempt in Madrid

By : Awaneer

Note : Sorry English so terabur due to nak cepat tulis. I'm not so good in English.

Everything in life is interconnected. This is true story about my own experience facing a real threatening situation in Madrid. I will tell you from A-Z, starting to end, for you to understand that Allah didn't create anything in this world with coincidence. Everything He created is interconnected and got a reason.

The first issue when I intended to bring my family(wife+baby) to Spain is the safety issue. That's the first thing crossed my mind during that time. That's why I tried to find an apartment with a receptionist, guard and a car park. So that when I leave my family to go to work I will feel safe and secure, same for them also. Previously, the apartment when I was stay alone in madrid which I called 'Resident Evil'.. It have everything including receptionist, guard, car park but not the residents except me. The apartment got 6 floor and and I am the only one live in there... Others are Resident Evil! I am not afraid about the Spanish Devils although I heard a lot of funny voice during the midnight. I just think positive that the Spanish Devils not so Evil that they will eat me during sleep. It works! My hands still there including my 6-5 packs tummy.

My effort was trying to find a good security place for my family with uncle Google's help. That's we as a Muslim called an effort(zahir). Yes, it is indeed a good effort but an effort without relying to Allah is misleading. For that, we as a family made some 'Solat Hajat', 'Kenduri Doa Selamat' and a Doa after each prayer for Allah to be with us at all times. Although some of us called that land is Spain or US or UK or Poland or Malaysia, but for me every inch of land and all the universe is belong to Allah. We human just rent it for a while and need to check-out voluntarily or by force when the time comes.

A good Spanish Policeman

30th September 2011, Evening 6-8.30 pm.

At the evening we plan to go to the nearest shopping center(Plunolio) from our apartment by car. We bought some groceries at Mercadona market and did some window shopping at the complex before we intended to go back around 8 pm to do Maghrib prayer.

After went out from the complex car park, there is a road block by a police and they checked every car passing by. For me, I didn't do something bad and I should not be afraid of the police. The policeman at first let our car go, but one of his friend suddenly arrested our car and put our car aside of the road. They asked about all the documentations and I gave full cooperation to them. I still didn't know what is the illegal action I did because they all speak in Spanish.

A few minutes later one of the policeman come to me and said that he is not good in English but will try to explain what I had did wrong. According to Spain Law, a baby must seat in a proper child seat and from the situation it seems that I didn't have the car seat for baby. Believe me, I didn't even knew about this law before. But he understand that I am a tourist and let me go in one condition: My wife and my baby need to go out from the car and I need to find some place to park the car and get my wife and walk together. I think that is a simple solution because my apartment not very far away and I just do whatever he instructed us to do. Of course for my wife and baby safety, I asked them to stay with the policemen and I will fetch them later after find a car park. For me it is more safe for my wife and baby to stay with the policemen and not walk alone.

I believe the Spanish policeman is good because he talked very nice and behaved very good with tourist like us.

Situation settled. But this week we need to postponed our plan to Madrid Zoo because of the child seat issue. My car rental will expired in one week time at 8th October and I plan to get new one with child seat. It is indeed a very nice time to happen before we will get the new one in just one week time. Or else we need to buy a child seat here with so not cheap price.

A Bad 'Policemen'

1 October 2011, Evening 1-3.30 pm;

The day so dull for us because the plan to the Zoo is postponed. So my wife suggest that we go to the same complex yesterday but by foot. We agreed as I also feel bored at home.

This time my wife do a 'Door Shopping' or Serious shopping and bought handbag for her and clothes for Nurimanina. I gave her 600 Euros to her for shopping. There is an old folks or pepatah said :

"You can stop world war III from happening but you cannot stop a women desire to do shopping... " - Awaneer 1983

Door shopping activity

After finished shopping, we walk back home using the same street we came before.

Suddenly a green car from our opposite direction stopped and one of the guy in the car tried to ask us something. There were only two guys in the car.

The interesting story starts here;

Guy1 : Can you talk spanish?

Me : No, English only!

Guy1 : I am a policeman and I need to check your documentation.

He shows his ID police in a split second during his talk. This contribute to my doubt.

Me : No, I will not give you.

Guy1 : Why you are so afraid?? I am police..

Me : I must be afraid because I am a tourist and you not look like a police. You don't wear a uniform and using civilian car.

Guy1 : This is how spanish police wear.. Why you are so afraid? Are you selling drugs??

Me : No. If you want to go to police station then let's see at police station.

Then I tried to leave from the situation and ask my wife to go along. My baby is in my carriage that time. But unfortunately, she didn't understand the situation and ask me to cooperate with the 'bad policeman'. She think that we should cooperate with the policeman as yesterday.

The bad policeman take advantage from the argue and went out from his car and tried to be violent.

Guy1(bad police) : Why you are so afraid haa? Are you selling drugs?? Let me see your passport.

As my baby is in my carriage, and my wife is in doubt, I didn't have choice but  trying to give full conscious cooperation and find the best time to escape. I show my passport but without giving him... He checked my wallet, and violently try to checked every money I have.

At that situation the guy trying to create a panic situation by raising his voice and keep accusing me of selling drugs. I tried not to concentrate for his action or words and raising my full focus and inner strength to the maximum. I open my eyes to the fullest with every Euros he's trying to check.

I just get ready with my 'pukulan batin alam ke-6' if in case he's trying to do something bad.

After failed to do something bad to me he's changing his plan by trying to check my wife. I gave warn to my wife by just showing inside her bag and nothing else. He failed again.

Realized that he facing people with full awareness, he changed his tactics again by asking one more time my passport. I just showed him and hope this will be the end of the situation.

He grabbed my passport and tried to run away by saying he is giving my passport to his boss sit in the car(guy2). I chase him and try to knock him down from behind before he get into the car. But after realized that my baby is in my carriage I stopped my intention.

He also realized that I will attack him when I already close behind him. He tried to turn around and during that time I used momen 'elakan sebutir padi' and grab my passport in his hand in a split second.

Elakan sebutir padi adalah sejenis pergerakan elakan oleh orang-orang tua dahulu yang memanipulasi ruang dan waktu sehingga dikatakan peluru mampu dielak dengan jarak sebutir padi. Pergerakannya melingkungi zahir dan batin. Tahap tertinggi adalah dengan menghayati konsep 'bukan aku yang elak'. - Awaneer 2011

Shocked by my action he's still threatening me to take me to police station.

I end the conversation by said it loud and clear, "If you want to go to police station then let see at police station!".

This is the road where the robbery attempt take place.

I ran away from there by grabbing my wife that still in 'lamunan terhenti' by the situation. I tried to awake her from the shock by saying, " Itu polis penipu, orang jahat, lari cepat". She woke up and suddenly realized the situation. We walked away from there, and the guy did not chase us but just enter the car and speed up to nowhere like they realized their plan didn't work out.

But it didn't end just like that.

During our way home, we saw the green car at the road near to our apartment. They must trying to find where we live.. I take decision to walk far away using another road just not to let them know where we live.

Suddenly the bad guy green hornet come from nowhere to our opposite direction of the road. We didn't have anywhere to run right now. Situation critical!

This is a bad time! The road I'm using right now, there is no people around. My bad for not analysed this.

Time to get into war! Masa untuk bertempur!

The plan is... the ONLY plan is I get into the war and hold them with excessive force and my wife+baby will run to a safer place.

The green creature stop beside us and the guy1 open his window.

guy1 : Heyyy!! Where do you live?????

me : Heyyyy!!! If you want to go to police station let's go now!!! - With angry voice

I show my Ong Bak Knuckle to them and get ready to fight!

It just didn't come to my expectation... the guys ran away with the green creature! Is he afraid of my Ong Bak Knuckle??

Maybe my assumption before this was right that we can stop world war III from happening but we cannot stop women desire to go shopping...

Thinking for the worst case also that they might come back, we walked fast to the apartment and straight to the receptionist. We tell the receptionist what happened and she agreed with me that the two guys are bandits! According to her this case was always happened in Madrid. I tell them to report to police about this incident and they said they will. We are considered lucky enough for not losing anything including our passport.

From this incident I am as the family leader taking some preventive action that are :

1. No family out activity during this week. As we also cannot go out without child seat.

2. From now on , go to public places only with a proper car park.

3. Make sure people who knock the door before letting them in.

Of course a doa with each prayer for our safety here. After all He is the one who created the 'green creature' with all the bandits inside.

Actually when I said all of these are interconnected, I smile alone... After we get arrested by good policeman on Friday, I did search some information that night using uncle Google about road laws in Spain and a tourist guide for Spain just for my awareness.

To this I found some information about the tourist right not to give their passport or documentation to unknown people who ask for it although they admit as a police officer. Ironically, the incident of 'bad police officer' ask for my passport happened just a day after that. The memory still fresh and this is unlucky for the bandits.

Actually there is no lucky or unlucky... There is no coincidence.

Even Einstein said that God don't play with dice.

The truth is, there were nobody saved us that day but Allah.

Nurimanina now can pronounce 'Alhamdulillah'... I just repeat what she said :


Thursday, September 29, 2011

C212 Crashed In Indonesia

Image from :

By : Awaneer

29 September - It is the 4th crash this year involved C212 plane. Furthermore it is the second one in Indonesia this year alone. 2011 might be the not so lucky for the C212 plane and its passengers.

To date in its 35-year history of the CASA C-212, there have been the 80 hull-loss occurrences, 70 of which have had a total of 540 fatalities not including in the newest accident in Indonesia. On average 15.5 percent of all occupants survived fatal accidents. Chile has recorded four fatal accidents in which C-212 military aircraft have been involved. However, the accident rate cannot be easily compared with that of other aircraft because the C-212 is considered a special plane designed for demanding applications and for use in extreme conditions, particularly in short airport runways. They are used as freight planes (rear loading ramp), troops transport, parachuting and Coast Guard surveillance at regular airports, but also in remote unpaved airstrips in Africa, in remote mountainous areas or Antarctic regions.

The multi-purpose transport aircraft was produced by the Spanish manufacturer CASA, Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA, today EADS CASA ( Airbus Military ). Let's see some facts of this cutie beauty old lady the C212 :

1. High-wing STOL twin turboprop
2. Ton load capacity.
3. 25 soldiers/paratroopers
4. Aerial delivery (HAD and LAPES)
5. Two pallets 88”x54”
6. Maritime patrol version (Patrullero)
7. 474 aircraft sold / 93 operators / 42 countries

This cutie beauty old lady in fact the king in its own class!

See the breaking news on :

Indonesia Plane Crash

The west of Indonesia's small airplane carrying 18 people crashed in a mountainous region. On board are feared dead .

Transportation Ministry spokesman Bambang Ervan, North Sumatra to the Spanish-made CASA C-212 type aircraft to ACE, a 30-minute flight, said that half of the tower lost contact with.
Cessation of the Air Force liaison officer in a few minutes Hutagol Bonar After the pilot gave the alarm of danger, but said that the aircraft radar again.

Eyewitnesses said the plane dropped the mountainous village of Bahorok.
Search and rescue teams were mobilized region were recorded.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tour of the day : Madrid 2.0

By : Awaneer

Today activities : Teleferico (Not Succeed), Palacio Real(succeed), Puerta Del Sol(Succeed), Plaza Mayor (Succeed), Juan Carlos Park (Succeed with Lunch! :)). Actually Palacio Real, Plaza Espana, Puerta Del Sol, and Plaza Mayor is all in one place near the city center. You can find a good ticket parking at near Plaza Espana or Palaciao Real and from there you can walk to all that places mentioned.

Weather very good around 25 deg C and this make you don't even sweat!

Summer and Autumn is the best season to visit Madrid. Enjoy the panorama I taken and hold your breath!

You can right click on the picture and open new tab for better view!

Palacio Real : The parque

Palacio Real

Souvenir Shop near Puerta Del Sol

Palacio Real : Snap the panorama...

Puerta Del Sol : Snap The Panorama...

Puerta Del Sol : Nice Buildings...

Puerta Del Sol : With Spongebob!

Plaza Mayor : Nice old buildings... Very good for shopping souvinir.

Juan Carlos Parque : Iman and Mama berkelah sambil makan banana... Lunch Time!

Juan Carlos Parque : Setelah masing-masing jadi ular Salwa kekenyangan... ehh silap ular sawa..terasa macam nak tidur tengah padang... Udara pun sejuk...

Alright... Adios and muchas gracias!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tour of the day : Madrid 1.0

By : Awaneer

I'll be at Madrid around 8 weeks... So there should have around 7-8 version of this slot. Of course about my travel around Madrid and planning also to go to Toledo. This time Uncle Garmin will help me step by step.

Not so successfull, this week I'm only manage to go to:

El Corte Ingles Getafe Shopping center (Succeed! I buy GPS here..)

Juan Carlos Parque (Not succeed because no parking available)

Teleferico Station (Cable car, half succeed... Too many people! Just go beautiful park around)

Mezquita Az-Zahara (Successfull with lunch in Restaurant Az-Zahara)

Plaza De Mayor (Not Succeed, the Uncle bring me to other location of plaza mayor... far from the Madrid)

El Corte Ingles Getafe : Dinosour want to eat Iman!

Telefrico parque : The wind so cool! Temperature around 20-23 deg C. I think it Autumn season.

Telefrico Parque : Happy family!

Telefrico parque : Flower with flower

Telefrico parque : Cameron Highland in Madrid!

Restaurant Az-Zahara : Inside Mezquita

Restaurant Az Zahara : After Solat tahayatul Masjid and Zohor, we try moroccon food. 18 Euros per head. Total 36 Euros... hehe about RM150

Mezquita Az zahara : Heaven inside!

Mezquita Az zahara : Read! The password to heaven! In Spanish!

Muchas Gracias.


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